Make a Grant From Your DAF, and CASA Just Might Get a Match to Double it!

Did you know that there is approximately $226 billion sitting in DAFs in the US? This is money that could be used to make impactful grants/donations to nonprofits. $226 billion has the ability to change many lives! 

To encourage donors to make grants, the group #HalfMyDAF now has a matching campaign that can potentially match the DAF amount you give to CASA.

It’s easy for those who have DAFs and are looking to donate some of their money. If you process a DAF grant for CASA of Contra Costa County and make a gift that equals half or more of your DAF, CASA has the possibility of getting a match from #HalfMyDAF for what you’ve given. 

To make sure that we’re in the running for matches, donations are needed by 9/27. Help us maximize our impact and spread the word about DAF contributions!

Access the #halfmyDAF donation page to submit your information.

Submit Now


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